I’ve always been somewhat skeptical about miracles, but this one truly transformed my perspective. It felt as if the grandest miracle of life was unfolding before my eyes, and I was compelled to open my heart and fully embrace it.

A few years ago, my mother unexpectedly passed away due to a severe infection. It was a heart-wrenching and unexpected loss. Coincidentally, exactly one year after her death, I discovered I was pregnant. While that’s not the miracle, it’s certainly a remarkable coincidence. I conceived exactly one year to the day of my mom’s passing, at the ripe age of 47. After years of IVF treatments, numerous losses, miscarriages, and disappointing news, we were naturally pregnant at 47 and 52.

How did this happen? We were on vacation at jazz fest, sharing our love for each other and having a great time. As we were returning home, I soon realized I could be pregnant again. I took a pregnancy test at Safeway and it was positive. I jogged home from Safeway to tell my husband, but I knew that there would be a long and difficult journey ahead before we could make sure that this pregnancy would result in a healthy and beautiful child.

We simply waited for the worst. I called my IVF doctor to see if she would see me. I needed to know if there was a heartbeat. She so graciously welcomed me into her office and arms. I gave her a big hug and said, “Please know that I’m expecting bad news, so don’t feel too bad when you have to tell me.” Well, there was no bad news—the heartbeat was perfect. An amniocentesis was next, and I knew there was zero chance of success. I went to UCSF Hospital, and I can tell you the odds were 1 in 2 million of a healthy baby at 47 naturally.

Well, UCSF called me and said that I would be their latest case study! The rest of the pregnancy was a breeze. I breathed through every day, practiced pilates, yoga, tennis, and kept my mental health nurtured. I felt better than I had felt in my entire life. I even received a green light to do a VBAC at 47 because my physical health was so good.

I went to the hospital on my baby’s due date and did some pilates from my hospital room. After pushing three times, my miracle baby arrived. I couldn’t contain my joy and shouted at the top of my lungs, declaring her beauty.

Now, let me tell you about the miracle itself. I gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby at the age of 47, defying all odds. I never lost hope of having this child, and she soon came into my life. I firmly believe that my angelic mother gifted me this from Heaven. She was born with a tiny red heart on her face, a testament to the angelic kiss she received before her arrival. The doctor at the hospital shared this incredible story with me, explaining that my baby was kissed by an angel before she took her first breath.

Never lose hope of your miracle. Beautiful things happen to beautiful people every day. Your miracle is waiting for you…